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How to Earn Extra Cash as a Stay at Home Mum

How to Earn Extra Cash as a Stay at Home Mum

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Including creative ways to make money and how to get money fast

Being able to earn extra cash while at home with the kids could be life-changing. It doesn’t matter if you need the extra cash to pay off debt or if you want to treat the family more.

None of these need experience. Please note that none of these will make you rich, but can help you bring in a nice little side hustle income for your family. Also, remember that some ways, such as investing in and trading cryptocurrency like dogecoin, are generally more long-term investments. Search for “dogecoin jak kupić” (or “dogecoin how to buy”) to find further information on investing in digecoin if you don’t mind it being a long term investment. You can do all of them or just one, whatever you have time for right now.

Just by having that extra money in your pocket can really help take some of the day to day stresses away.

None of the below are full-time jobs or tie you down to anything. These are just upfront ideas that are risk-free that can help you make money while you’ll at home or around the kids.

Even if you just have an hour a week to spend on making extra money or have to do it on the loo, making money around the kids is possible! Read here how you can afford to be a stay at home too.

Having that extra bit of income could mean that you could:

Pay off your debts quicker
Not have to struggle
Quit your job and not go back
Have more to spend on your children
Save for that once in a lifetime holiday you’ve been dreaming of

Please remember is that any money you earn has to be declared to HMRC. The rules are always changing so please do read their website thoroughly so you are not caught out. If you are just selling personal items at a car boot sale or online then you do not need to declare this. Everything else will need to be declared.

If you are looking for more ways to save money then have a look at:

101 Genuine Work From Home Jobs in the UK – This is our full list of jobs that you can do from home. Hopefully they will give you some ideas!

37 Home Based Jobs You Can Do While Working From Home – These are employable jobs that you can do at home around the family.

7 Typing Jobs From Home That All Mums Could Do – If you have fast typing skills then have a look at our post here on the kind of jobs that you can do from home.

Free money saving printables

If you are looking to save money as a family then come join our free Resource Vault. It’s packed full of printables that you can use over and over again.

Join our free Resource Vault here.

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Part-time work from home

There are loads of ways you can make money from home or in the evenings around the kids. How much money you make really does depend on how much time you spend doing something and what it is.

None of these side-hustles will make you rich but together could make you a nice side income to help off credit cards or save towards a family holiday.

You don’t need any experience or any knowledge of the online world. All of the below are legal companies that pay out or can help you find work from home.

There’s a huge range of ideas and not all these will be for you. That’s ok. Pick the one’s that you are comfortable with for now and bookmark this post for later use when you feel you can take more on.

We’re going to start with part-time work from home roles that are self-employed meaning that you can work when you want. This gives you complete flexibility. Please remember that if you are on maternity leave to check your employee contract as you may have to take this time out of your KIT days or it may affect any payout. Please check the HMRC website for more information.

It can feel very scary to set up a self-employed business but it’s really very easy.

What transferable skills do you have? Could you tutor? Can you write? Sing? Clean? Sew? Draw? Everyone has a skill, all you need to know is where to advertise it.

Use a professional company to brand your new venture, like Logojoy*, who help small and mid-sized businesses make a real visual impact.

Start by using People Per Hour* or Fiverr* to get your portfolio going if you want to start a creative business.

If you’re to sell crafts then Esty and eBay* are a great and easy place to start.

Here are my top 5 tips on what I did when I started this website and my Virtual Assistant business while on maternity leave:

1. Find a need and fill it.

Where’s the gap in the market or could you do something better?

2. Build a website.

We use WordPress because it’s the easiest platform to use and gives you total freedom. There are so many YouTube videos on how to start out if you are unsure but just pick and theme and get playing with it. Read our post here on How to Start a Blog in the UK.

You’ll also need a:

A domain name: This is your www. name that people will search for. Try and think of a name that matches your business or that you think your customers will be searching for. Have a look on social media and Google to check that no one else has it. You can check and purchase domains easily using a site like TSO*, who we buy ALL our domains from.

Web hosting: These are the people that will host your website on their server. You want a company you can trust. We’ve used many over the years but TSO Host are a good place to start when you need your online store hosting*. You get 10% with TSO Host by using our code S4SM10%OFF.

3. Use Google to get readers to your website.

Make sure your copy sales and coverts. If you don’t think you have that skill then use a place like People Per Hour* or Fiverr*. Think of it this way. Each task is going to either cost you in time or money. Which one would you rather give up for this task?

4. Establish yourself as an expert.

Whatever you’re doing make sure you’re the go-to person. Hang around in Facebook groups or on Twitter and answer people’s questions on your niche.

Write blog posts for sites that are in your industry so your name gets out. Know what you’re talking about!

5. Have an email campaign provider.

This is a great way to keep your customers involved with what’s going on and to let them know of any new services or products you are selling. Set it up early even if you don’t plan to email anyone. We use Mailerlite* as they have great customer service and easy to build email templates*. (Remember to check the ISO website for GDPR guidelines.)

Then depending on which business below you decide to do will come with a few more costs.

These are the five best part-time businesses to start with if you have limited experience in the online world. If none of these suit you then here’s 13 more jobs you can do online from home.

Do you feel like you’d love to work from home around the kids but have no idea how to start? Do you have a skill that you know you can can sell but need help getting started? Then this group is for you.

I will teach you how to build & grow your online business and earn money while working around the kids. And if you don’t have an online business yet, I will help you to get started.

Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is someone who works from home, who can perform all the nitty gritty admin jobs that a client needs remotely.

This could be any admin task and is normally a high paying job with no experience needed. You could be doing anything from scheduling social media to creating marketing images to just answering emails or amending spreadsheets.

A Virtual Assistant is useful for any size business, and as someone who’s worked both sides, as an employer and employee, most Virtual Assistants are very flexible and work on an hour by hour payment basis.

You don’t have to have any secretarial experience, as many Virtual Assistants specialise in something. Have you got marketing experience? Social media knowledge? Are you organised? Most Virtual Assistant can earn up to £25 an hour.

It’s really simple to become a Virtual Assistant, and set up takes about half an hour.

Want to get set up the right way?

Virtual Assistant Essential Tool Kit Image

This is the ultimate spreadsheet pack for your virtual assistant business. This is for mums who have never been a Virtual Assistant before but who would like to start working from home.

This value-pack includes:

  • A list of Virtual Assistant essential tools
  • Invoice template (Word)
  • Time Card spreadsheet (Excel with pre-made formulas)
  • Invoice spreadsheet (Excel with pre-made formulas)
  • Blog post promotion spreadsheet (Excel)
  • Engagement questions for most niches (Excel)
  • Facebook schedule (Excel)

The Virtual Assistant Essential Tool Kit can help you land your first client, and keep you on track for when it’s time to invoice.

So what are you waiting for? 🙂

Grab your copy here. 

My 5 top tips for setting up as a Virtual Assistant are:

  1. Set up a Facebook page and ask everyone and anyone you’ve worked with to leave you a 5-star review. It is mega cringe, but it’s those reviews that will give you a leg up and give you something to link to when a client asks for references.
  2. Set up a separate email address so you can track potential clients emails quickly.
  3. Shout about your business to everyone and share it in all the Facebook groups, especially in Facebay and business groups.
  4. Set up a spreadsheet divided by month with the client name on the top and the number of hours you do every day. That way when it comes to invoicing you can just copy and paste the information over.
  5. Have an invoice spreadsheet ready for when you declare. It can be as simple as date, client name and the amount so when you need to declare, you have a final amount without having to find all last years invoices.

If you have no clue how to start then have a look at our Virtual Assistant Toolkit that will get you started and set-up in the right way.


Blogging can be a great hobby, but also a very good way to earn money and go places with your family that you’ve never even dreamed of before.

You need to find a topic that you are passionate about. Don’t worry if you don’t enjoy writing, you can vlog on YouTube or even just start with a Facebook page.

The good thing about blogging is that you can start for free and earn money in a load of different ways like advertising, through sponsored posts (this is where a brand asks a blogger to write about their branded products), affiliates (where someone buys something after a blogger has written about them), products and courses.

You can start a blog really quickly and easily but will need a domain name, host and website which you can sort yourself quickly. We use WordPress to build Savings 4 Savvy Mums and TSO Host for our domain name. They also offer hosting too and with our code S4SM10%OFF you can get 10% off.

Don’t forget to sign up to a email marketing provider. Many offer you a free service till you hit a certain amount of subscribers. This is a great way to keep all your readers involved in what you’re working on. We use Mailerlite as they offer a great customer service and are very easy to use!

For a walkthrough on how to start a blog and make money, I’d suggest looking at our post here called How to Start a Blog in the UK.

Freelance Writing

The internet needs writers and you could be paid to be one of them. Anything goes from game scriptwriters to e-book writers to academic writing.

Many companies pay per word or per article, and pay will depend on your experience and writing abilities.

There’s companies out there that will help you find work as well, but do take a commission on what you earn.

These are sites like:

People Per Hour*



You can also find work on local Facebay or Gumtree sites, and while they might not be the best paid, it means you can build up a portfolio for yourself to show other clients.

Fulfilled By Amazon

Fullfilled By Amazon is were you have your own products and you ship them straight to an Amazon warehouse. Then every time you sell one they will ship it out for you and handle any returns.

This is a great passive income as you only have to ship it once and everything from customer service to returns is done for you.

Amazon does take a final fee so make sure you look at that and at any PayPal fees if applicable.


If you have great attention to detail then being a proofreader is for you.

You can pick up gigs on sites like:

People Per Hour*



They aren’t paid great to start with, but once you have a few under your belt and you start to have a small portfolio you can then raise your prices.

You can also look for jobs on Facebay groups

Creative ways to make money

To make money online you don’t need to have a business. There’s loads of ways that you can make cash by just owning a mobile phone or by having a computer.

None of these need experience. Please note that none of these will make you rich but can help you bring in a nice little side hustle income for your family. You can do all of them or just one, whatever you have time for right now.

Cashback sites

Using a cash back website every time you shop online is a great way to make money on items you where going to buy anyway. From grocery shopping to insurance to household bills!

Search for what you need and buy it through a cashback site and you’ll get back a percentage of what you spend.

Top Tip: Don’t leave your money sat there. As soon as you hit the threshold, cash it out.

We currently use:

OhMyDosh – We love OhMyDosh. It’s not just a cashback website either! You can do their surveys which give you money. What we love is that they have a small payout freshold.

Read more about how OhMyDosh works here.

Join OhMyDosh for free here and have £1 added to your account free.*

You could also use:




Entering competitions is a great way to earn money or items that you can go on to sell.

Di coke run’s a great blog that lists daily prize draws and competitions. Start by entering ten a day for a month and up it as you start to win.

Remember to set up a free gmail email address for when you enter competitions as you will be spammed.

Renting out

If you live in a major city in the UK, then you’ll already know that parking is a pain in the butt. So if you have a garage or driveway that you don’t use much, then you can rent it out and make money by doing nothing at all.

Do you live close to a major hospital? Railway? Shops? Anyone living near a large footfall could gain. If this sounds good to you, then check out Park Let. You can even advertise your space for FREE (they make their money from taking a percentage of the rent you make).

Car boot sales

Take the kids out and get hustling. Sell anything that hasn’t been touched in six months and watch the cash roll in. Remember to take some change with you and food so you’re not spending your hard earned cash on lunch.

Mystery shopping

Mystery shopping is a great way to earn money while being able to test products or services that you normally wouldn’t be able to afford.

You would buy the product or test the service and report back then get paid. It’s that simple.

We’re currently using:

Market Force

Grassroots Mystery Shopping

Red Wig Wam

Testing websites

Testing websites is an easy way to make money from your laptop or your mobile. WhatUsersDo will pay you £5 for every website you test. You will need to log in and record your voice answering some questions and speaking your thoughts aloud. Each test lasts around 20 minutes, and you get paid monthly.

Write a ebook

This is a great way to make passive income! Please read Hayley from Disease Called Debt’s guide to How To Make Money Writing and Publishing eBooks.

This is one of the best guides and goes through the process step by step.

You ebook can be on any subject and turn your hobby into a great little side earner. You only have to write it once then you can sell it on Amazon, eBay or even your own website while getting affiliate commission.

How to get money fast

We all get caught out some months and making money online is a great way to help clear debt. Again none of these will make you rich but can really help you out of a financial jam. They pay out quite quickly and don’t take up to much time.


There’s so many apps that can help you make money while you’re on your phone. Here’s a full list of money making apps that can help you make some money on the side.


A handy little earner that you can do on your phone while out or in front of the TV when the kids have finally settled. You won’t necessarily make bundles of cash, but for just 20 minutes or so work, you could make a few pounds.

These are the one’s we’ve used before but there are plenty floating about that payout in either vouchers or cold hard cash:

  1. MySurvey*
  2. InstaGC*
  3. OhMyDosh*
  4. Prolific Academic*
  5. Valued Opinions*

Matched betting

Matched betting is a completely legal, tried and tested way to make money online while you’re at home. It basically turns the tables on the bookmakers, to give you their free bet offers, so you can’t loose.

If you’re doing it correctly, you will never loose any money, but you do need to take your time and be really careful to avoid any mistakes.

Make sure you understand fully before you deposit any money.

This matched betting guide is for beginners who want to place their first bet safely, but have no idea how matched betting even works.

We use Outplayed who offers you free use in till you make £40. This gives you enough time to work out if matched betting is really for you.

Related Posts: 

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is when you sell something on behalf of someone else and get a commission. You advertise someone else’s products and services and when someone buys, you receive a small percentage.

There’s a lot of affiliate programs out there, so whatever you’re interested in, you’ll be able to find a scheme for it. It does take a while to build but affiliate marketing is a great passive income earner meaning you only have to set it up once and you’ll keep receiving income.

Remember to research the rules on declaring the links.

Our top affiliates who are great to work with and we trust are:

  1. Outplayed*: A oddmatcher and tracker
  2. Mailerlite*: A email campaign provider
  3. Switch Craft*: They automatically switch you when there’s a better deal
  4. Go Henry*: A pre-paid pocket money card and app for kids

Daily draws

Signing up to free daily draws means that if you lucky you could win money without doing anything! It does takes up to an hour to register for them all but only takes about 2 minutes to check if you’ve won daily. We normally check on our phones while the kettle is boiling.

Our top five are:

  1. The Free Postcode Lottery*
  2. Ashleigh Money Saver’s £50 daily draw
  3. Free Birthdate Lottery
  4. Number Plate Lotto
  5. The Street Lottery
  6. Date of Birth Lotto

You can earn more by telling your friends and family about them too.

Hopefully these have helped you come up with a few ways you can make money around the kids as a stay at home mum.

Laura x

If you enjoyed this post and would like some more money making ideas from home, including ways to freelance, start a blog or even earn from your phone, then head over to my making money section here on Savings 4 Savvy Mums where you’ll find over 30 money making posts dedicated to helping you earn more from home and become more financially stable as a family. There’s also tips in my Money Saving Mums Facebook group. You could also pop over and follow my money making Pinterest boards for lots more ways you can earn money from home; Money Making Mums and Working from Home Jobs for Mums.

This is how to earn extra cash as a stay at home mum with no experience in the online world. Make money online with these legit ways around the kids by Laura at #MakeMoney #workfromhome #stayathome

What the * means

If a link has an * by it, then this means it is an affiliate link and helps S4SM stay free for all. If you use the link, it may mean that we receive a very small payment. It will not cost you anymore that it would normally.

You shouldn’t notice any difference and the link will never negatively impact the product. The items we write about are NEVER dictated by these links. We aim to look at all products on the market. If it isn’t possible to get an affiliate link, then the link, or product is still included in the same way, just with a non-paying link.

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A Mum Track Mind

Saturday 11th of February 2017

I tried to do matched betting and go onto the sites and was so overwhelmed by how much data etc is on there I just couldn't figure out even how to place a bet lol. Please make sure it is an IDIOTS guide just for me lol


Thursday 26th of January 2017

Ooh, I need to tried the surveys. I hadn't thought of that. Please share how you get on with matched betting as I really want to give that a go but I am too scared to!