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Like Rust in the Wind: The Signs It Is Time to Bid Your Car Goodbye

Like Rust in the Wind: The Signs It Is Time to Bid Your Car Goodbye

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Your old banger has seen you through so many different parts of your life. You’ve used it to drop your kids off at school, take them on road trips and you might have even made money using it, but there are times when our beloved car is giving up the ghost. All good things come to an end but sometimes we don’t know the signs that it is time to bid goodbye. Here are a few.  

You’ve Outgrown It

It is part of moving on that we soon realise that we are clinging onto this old car because of what it used to do for us, not what it does for us now. In which case, is it time to sell your car? We can all get a little bit misty-eyed about what we’ve done with this car. You can probably remember all road trips when everybody is having an amazing time but if your family has expanded or you are now at the point where you need a bigger vehicle, you’ve most definitely outgrown it.

It Is Starting to Make Funny Noises

One of the more obvious reasons you might have to give up the ghost is when it starts to make funny noises. If it sounds a bit strange then it is time to get rid of it. The thing is when it comes to your old car you may think that it becomes part of what makes the car unique and a random noise every now and again is like part of the furniture. The big mistake is that if you leave this without getting it checked on a regular basis you may find yourself pulling over on the hard shoulder one too many times. If it gets to the point where it truly impacts your life it’s time to bid it goodbye.

It Is Getting Expensive to Repair

Even new cars can be expensive to repair. And if you are clinging onto this car because it has so many wonderful memories you’ve got to see if the bank balance is tipping away due to this one part of your life. Sure you can keep getting the problems fixed, and even if you get a cheap MOT, the cost of repairing the vehicle alone might be astronomical. It makes sense where we all want to cling onto this vehicle. It’s something that we are accustomed to. But you have to remember that new vehicles come with safety features that truly will help you out. And if the car is not safe anymore and the repairs and upgrades you are making would cost more than getting a new car, isn’t it time to bite the bullet?

Cars are meant to be safe and secure. And if you’ve been using your old banger to transport the kids around for so long it might be time to separate your emotions from the practicalities of the situation. There are so many fantastic new cars on the market that are cheaper than you expect, but it’s never easy to bid goodbye to your first car. But perhaps it’s time?

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