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7 Ways To Make Money If Your Income Has Been Hit

7 Ways To Make Money If Your Income Has Been Hit

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If you are trying to tighten your family finances due to your income now being lower then this post is for you.

Losing some or all of your income can become quite scary especially when you have a family to feed.

We’ve come up with seven simple ways to help you boost your income and bring your family finances back up to where you think they should be.

Before you do anything else, make sure that you have gone through your finances and calculated how much you have coming in compared to going out.

We use a spreadsheet to do this listing all our incomings in one column and outgoings in another.

If your budget isn’t adding up, then it’s time to start getting rid of the little luxuries. You aren’t saying bye forever. Just for now while your finances are a little tight.

Start by cancelling any subscriptions you have like Netflix or Apple Music. Do you need that extra coffee at lunch time? Could you bring your own? These are just small things that can actually save you money over a month.

Get the family involved too. Start to meal plan and let everyone pick a meal so that you are all eating the same food. Only shop once a week so that you aren’t tempted to grab anything while you are there.

For more ideas on how to manage your money or budgeting, please look at:

How to Stop Spending Money Right Now

25 of the Best Ways To Save Money In The UK Right Now

7 Cheap Online Shopping Hacks That Will Save You Thousands

7 ways to make money

Here are seven ways you can make money to help top up your income or as a side hustle. These are great ways to earn extra money either while you are working from home or while you are unemployed.

Please remember that any money you make must be declared to HMRC.

Share your car with others

Inside of a BMW car

This is a great idea if you are now working from home and your car is unused. Or if you are a two-car family and you rarely use both vehicles on a weekend. Using a website like Karshare and sharing your car could put an extra £550 in your pocket every month (this is dependent on how often it’s available to hire, the make and the model).

It’s easy and simple to sign up and add your car – all you need is your car registration number and then one of the Karshare team will be in touch and finalise your details with you.

Karshare provides insurance, breakdown and renter behaviour tracking so you can rest easy knowing your car is covered. They have also installed keyless technology, meaning when people hire your car you don’t need to meet and greet them – so no hassle for you.

It’s really easy to sign your car up and find out how much you could be making.

It makes sense if your car is now not being used as much as it was. Plus running a car can be expensive with car repayments, fuel and maintenance. This offers an opportunity to cover these costs on a monthly basis and boost your household income.

Becoming a virtual assistant

A virtual assistant is someone who works from home, who can perform all the nitty gritty admin jobs that a client needs remotely.

This could be any admin task and is normally a high paying job with no experience needed. You could be doing anything from scheduling social media to creating marketing images to just answering emails or amending spreadsheets.

A Virtual Assistant is useful for any size business, and as someone who’s worked both sides, as an employer and employee, most Virtual Assistants are very flexible and work on an hour by hour payment basis.

Read more about being a virtual assistance here

Freelance your skills

Going freelance might sound scary but it’s really not. We all have a skill and now’s the time to sell it.

Are you great at picking up mistakes? Then becoming a proofreader may be for you. Do you enjoy writing and researching? Then look at a freelance writer. Do you love photography? There are loads of sites that will buy your pictures.

Have a real think about what you enjoy doing and start doing it!


If you’ve been thinking about blogging for a while but are unsure how to start then this post is for you. We are going to explain how to start blogging if you are in the UK, how you can make money and how you can get up and running within an hour.

You don’t need any experience at all to start blogging. You don’t even have to be a brilliant writer as that will come in time as you learn. You don’t need any technical skills at all.

Blogging is a great side hustle for those who need flexibility but it does take time to grow.

Read more about how to start a blog here

Matched money

Matched betting is a completely legal, tried and tested way to make money online while you’re at home. It basically turns the tables on the bookmakers, to give you their free bet offers, so you can’t lose.

If you’re doing it correctly, you will never lose any money, but you do need to take your time and be really careful to avoid any mistakes.

Make sure you understand fully before you deposit any money.

Read more about how matched betting works here

eBay dropshipping

different coloured wool

Dropshipping is a great way to make money from home. Having a dropshipping business means that you don’t have to hold stock anywhere or even be at your computer all time.

Dropshipping is a great way to earn passive income without being a slave to your computer.

Like all side hustles, though it does need some love; and some dedicated time put in before you see any rewards.

Read more about dropshipping here

Related Posts: 

Mystery shopping

Mystery shopping is a great way to make money online. They employ you to carry out a mystery shop and rate their staff, food or customer service.

You act like a real customer and when you give your feedback you get paid.

We started with these companies first:

– Market Force

– Helion Research

– Red WigWam


As you can see, these making money side hustles can really help you bring in extra money. You can choose to do one or all of them to help raise your finances at anytime.

Laura x

If you enjoyed this post and would like some more money making ideas from home, including ways to freelance, start a blog or even earn from your phone, then head over to my making money section here on Savings 4 Savvy Mums where you’ll find over 30 money making posts dedicated to helping you earn more from home and become more financially stable as a family. There’s also tips in my Money Saving Mums Facebook group. You could also pop over and follow my money making Pinterest boards for lots more ways you can earn money from home; Money Making Mums and Working from Home Jobs for Mums.

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