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Simple Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bills

Simple Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bills

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Energy bills are tied to energy consumption. Therefore, if you want to save off some dollars on electricity bills, make smart decisions that lower your energy usage. 

Clean your air vents, air filters, and windows

Clean air vents mean your heating and cooling systems take less time to heat or cool the rooms during winter or summer. This has a positive impact on your overall energy bills because consumption is significantly reduced. 

Clean and efficient air filters ensure your home has clean and healthy air to breathe. Install energy-efficient air filters to lower your energy usage while enjoying the benefits. Check for options on possible energy-saving alternatives. Ensure it’s energy-star rated. 

Also, use a ceiling fan in place of AC. The fan circulates and draws warm air upwards which cools down your room several times. A ceiling fan consumes less energy in the process than an AC and works more effectively. Of course, you may need an electrician to install this for you, if you are not confident in carrying out electrical work yourself. 

Unplug your devices and appliances when not using

Most people leave their appliances and devices on even when not using. Things like your home theatre, microwave, dishwasher, TV, humidifier among others should be turned off when not in use. 

For instance, when you leave the house, ensure they are turned off and not on standby because they still consume power. The wire continues to draw electricity. Turn off the socket or unplug the devices and appliances from the socket.

Install smart of programmable thermostats

You can set a smart thermostat to turn off automatically to lower your cooling and heating bill in those times you are either away or asleep. This eliminates wasteful electricity use without needing to upgrade your HVAC system. 

Averagely, a smart thermostat saves homes $180 annually. You can set them to fit your schedule and have other features like indicators when you have HVAC issues or air filter problems. Programmable thermostats improve the efficiency of your cooling and heating system apart from lowering your energy consumption. 

Upgrade your HVAC system

HVAC accounts for at least 40% of energy use at home. Upgrading to a more efficient and Energy Star certified HVAC lowers your electricity bills by at least 12%.

An efficient furnace saves energy and increases air quality efficiency. If there is a problem with indoor air quality, check the filters and replace them. 

This is a significant energy saving. Contact one of your local Heating Installation Services to replace your old furnace and install an energy-efficient one to cut down on your energy usage. Upgrade your ventilation system by properly sealing or insulating the air ducts to further lower your cooling and heating costs by at least 20 percent.

Use the washing machine and dishwasher at night in summer

Do your dishes and laundry at night during summer. Why? Because they don’t just consume energy but generate heat. During the day, the room temperature will increase making your air conditioner’s electricity use spike and even double. However, using it at night lowers your usage of the heating system because the rooms are already warm. 

During winter, turn down your thermostat and set the washing machine cycle. This warms up your home during the daytime. Run heat-generating appliances to minimize energy use by the radiator.

Buy only the right appliance capacity for the home

Buy things like air conditioners and heating units suitable for your property size. It ensures you have efficient cooling and heating without energy wastage.  While having a larger HVAC system may cool and heat the home space faster, it wastes far too much energy. 

Appliances like radiators, fridges, ceiling fans, etc should fit your home requirements. It helps reduce energy bills besides saving you money on exorbitant prices. 

Seal air leaks

Use appropriate remedies like putty or caulk to seal air leaks in the apartment or house. The chill coming in during winter causes a spike in your heating bills. Therefore, sealing them saves you a lot on energy bills apart from turning off your unused appliances. 

Install energy-efficient systems

Buy energy-efficient systems because they have energy-saving options. This lowers your electricity consumption. Check for energy-efficiency rating on the products. These systems are efficient and specially designed for energy usage.

Buy appliances with an Energy Star rating whether refrigerators or water heaters among others. This is a guarantee that your appliance or electronic consumes less energy whether on or on standby. They are 25% more energy efficient.

For example, there are energy-efficient LED light bulbs, fridges, microwaves, humidifiers, and more that you can use to ensure your energy bills are manageable. 

Use CFL bulbs instead of incandescent lighting. CFL bulbs give you soft ambient lighting and come in different shapes. Most importantly, they consume 4-times less electricity than those incandescent lights.

Use window blinds and curtain

Drawdown your curtains and pull down the blinds when leaving the house to keep your room warm during the winter and cool during the summer. Apply window films to the glass windows to keep the room warm without blocking your view. 

Install dimmer switches

Dimmer switches create ambiance and control your energy consumption.   Change the wiring during home renovations and install dimmer switches for the lights. 

Minimize your usage of electrical appliances like TVs

Instead of spending your free time watching TV shows and movies, try doing something else like relaxing on your porch or patio watching the sunset, working out at the gym, going for evening walks or runs, etc. 

The idea is to limit your dependence on electronics for entertainment and pass time solutions. You get healthier in the process and enjoy reduced electricity bills. 

It takes smart decisions and sacrifices to lower your electricity bill. The biggest culprit is HVAC which is necessary whether during winter or summer. Actualize the discussed things and your bills will be more manageable. Feel free to consult if you have more questions.

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