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Nursing Home Vs. Home Care Services: Which Is Better For Your Senior Parent

Nursing Home Vs. Home Care Services: Which Is Better For Your Senior Parent

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It can be a difficult decision to make when the time comes to decide how best to help an elderly loved one through the difficult days and when they are unable to care for themselves. It is often hard to determine the best thing for them and the best outside help they could get. Many of them may not want to leave the comfort and familiarity of their homes. In contrast, others may seek socialization and all-around-the-clock access to medical care and services that nursing home facilities offer. There are a lot of considerations that determine these big decisions. Let’s have a look at a few factors to consider when deciding between nursing homes and home care services to help you decide on which is the better alternative for your senior parents:

What Amount Of Daily Help And Services Do They Require?

Does your senior parent need someone to be around them on a part-time or full-time basis? Do they need help with the day-to-day activities? It could be that they require assistance with dealing with their bills or finances. At times all they require could be a companion. It could also be that they need constant medical help due to old age or medical complications. Do they require services such as health care or meals? Deciding on the amount of aid and services that they need daily is a critical factor in determining between nursing homes and home care services, as you may not be able to cater to some of the needs.

What Home Care Services Offer

Home care services for seniors is a more reserved option that allows the beneficiary to remain in their own home. It is a less disruptive option for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s and is often the first choice for most families. The possibilities for home care range from a few hours a week to all round the clock care. Home care allows for more personal relationships with the caregiver in more comfortable and familiar surroundings.

Many seniors prefer home care to nursing homes as they enjoy the freedom of being in their own homes. Of course, your relative may wish to move into a community of others who are also at a similar stage of life to them, so they are able to be independent, make friends, and enjoy a relaxed pace of life. If this is something they are interested in, you could take a look at Tellico Lake real estate to get an idea of what a 55+ community looks like. And, should they then find that they do need in-home care, they will be able to arrange this and not have to move from where they are. 

They report a more outstanding quality of life than in nursing homes. When considering home care, you have the option of finding a suitable caregiver yourself or seek the services of an agency. You can find all the help you need to make the right decision in choosing the type of service that best suits you at, however, all-day home care can be an expensive option as you have to hire a skilled medical professional to provide greater assistance levels if required. Home care services may also lack the levels of security that medical care facilities have all day.

What Nursing Homes Offer

Nursing homes are the best options for seniors who may require more than primary care that may be hard to provide in the home setting. The seniors may not be able to care for themselves, and the extra care may be crucial. Nursing homes provide care around the clock from professional staff who may perform medical or non-medical duties.

Caregivers will assist with the personal care needs, mobility needs, cleaning and meals, and therapy if needed and are the go-to option for families that may feel full-time care is necessary. The nursing homes provide more amenities than the home-based care system. The nursing homes often have outings for entertainment and shopping and offer transportation means and in-house activities such as games and fitness activities to keep the seniors occupied. The homes also provide adequate security, which may be essential for those with dementia or Alzheimer’s who may tend to wander off.

Nursing homes, however, may cause an individual to feel restricted with limited freedom. It is, however, the suitable option if your loved one can no longer remain safe on their own. The transition period for the seniors to accustom to the new surroundings can be difficult, and it can take some time for them to feel like they are at home. The care can also be expensive due to the specialized care provided and can strain finances. However, the cost seems insignificant to most families compared to the quality of services and care provided for their loved ones.

In some upsetting cases, there have been times of nursing home abuse which can come in many forms. This is not something that comes up constantly, but it still has the potential to happen, which is why being vigilant when your parent is in a nursing home is essential. If you do notice anything then you will need to pull them out of the home straight away and then contact nursing home abuse lawyers. These lawyers can get you the maximum compensation for your case and make sure justice is administered.

The choice between a nursing home and home care is all up to each individual and family member as each situation can be different. You have to select the best option that best suits your loved member and ensure that they receive the best care possible.

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