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New Year Budgeting – Keeping Your Spending In Check

New Year Budgeting – Keeping Your Spending In Check

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Everyone will be looking to save money at this time of year. As a result, you can expect to see many promotions get unveiled by retailers in the form of Black Friday deals, New Year’s discounts and special offers for the January sales.

Even industries like casinos have started offering bonus codes and other promotions for casino gaming fans on the lookout for what are the best bonus codes online. All of these money-saving habits should set you up nicely for the New Year, where most of us try and reign up our spending.

After all, it’s relatively common to end the festive season feeling heavier on the waistline but much lighter on the wallet. But with the New Year just around the corner, it gives us all the chance to recalibrate our spending habits. So here are a few simple tips to put into action to make sure that you keep your spending in check-in 2020.

Calculate Your Monthly Outgoings

If you’re really having a problem in keeping your spending under control, then you’ll need to make sure that you are at least getting the basics covered. That can be done by calculating how much you have to spend each month on the essential household bills.

Take the time to add up costs for essential items like groceries, electricity, gas and petrol. Once you have figured out how much you have to spend, then you will get a good idea of how much you have left for fun things.

Even if you have trouble figuring out your monthly income and outgoings, then you can use helpful budget calculators. Obviously, these should only get used as a rough guide, but they can work wonders in helping you manage your money more wisely.

Make A List And Stick To It

Many of us will have tried coming up with a sensible Christmas shopping list, and it’s a smart way to guide your spending throughout the coming year. It might seem like an odd idea to have records for fairly unremarkable months like January and February, but it can help you anticipate all of those little life events that can catch us unawares.

Merely listing those one-off payments like a car’s MOT or new school uniforms for the kids can all be very helpful in making sure that we are at least aware of any outgoings.

That is because there are many psychological benefits of making lists. Something about visualising all of the expenditure that you are facing not only makes it easier to plan things, but it can work wonders in reducing your anxiety levels too.

Be Realistic With Your Spending

It’s important to remember to include some pleasurable things in your budget list. If it contains nothing but nasty things like water bills and mortgage repayments, then you’re going to be more likely to ignore your budget completely. So be sure to plan for fun events like holidays and nights out, and you’ll stand a much better chance of staying within your spending limits.


Most of us will have tried faddy diets as we aim to lose weight after all of the festive excesses, and the same thing can happen when trying to implement new spending habits. If you try and be too harsh on yourself, you’ll probably give up your new spending regime after a couple of weeks and feel even worse.


But if you are realistic about your spending, you’ll be able to do it much more smartly and not rely on impulse. That will also allow you to take the time to try a comparison-shopping website before you make that next big purchase for yourself. While it might seem like a time-consuming practice, once you get into the habit, you’ll find that your bank balance should start looking better in next to no time.

This is a collaborative post. 

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