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Car Accident Claims: When Should You Seek Higher Compensation?

Car Accident Claims: When Should You Seek Higher Compensation?

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If you have been in a car accident and have decided to seek compensation for the suffering you went through, the question becomes, what amount of compensation should you settle for? It makes sense to maximize your injury compensation after being involved in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, and this settlement may also increase your capacity to pay your medical bills and make up for the lost income. 

There are over 2 million car accidents in the United States annually, and millions of people get seriously injured as a result and pay medical bills that can be a burden for them. 

It is only right that you make every effort to increase your compensation as soon as you decide to submit a personal injury claim. However, determining your injury claim amount without legal help can be difficult because you may receive contradictory information. Seeking a car accident attorney is critical because they can assist you in figuring out how much you should ask for and what steps to take to optimize your settlement.  

Determining Factors of Car Accident Compensation Amount 

Suppose you sustain injuries in an auto accident that wasn’t your fault. In that case, you are legally entitled to financial compensation, and you must make a personal injury claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance provider. 

Ideally, the insurance company should cover your lost income, medical expenses, and vehicle damage, and the amount you should settle for is influenced by these expenses. If the insurance company is giving you a sum that doesn’t cover all these expenses, you should definitely ask for a higher compensation. 

You should also consider other factors before agreeing to the amount the insurance company offers. 

General vs. Special Damages

Damages fall into two primary categories in an automobile accident claim, and you should ask for a higher compensation if the offered amount doesn’t cover all these.

  • Special damages, like medical expenses and lost income, have a monetary value and need to be demonstrated for you to receive that compensation. To submit a personal injury claim following an automobile accident, your medical bills, car repair receipts, and other supporting documentation must be included with your claim to substantiate these losses.
  • General damages, such as pain and suffering or emotional distress, are those that are difficult to quantify and can be compensated for without evidence of a specific sum. While general damages aren’t included in every auto accident claim, they might raise the amount of your compensation.

Calculate How Much You Should Settle for with the Help of Your Car Accident Lawyer 

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Usually, there is a formula to calculate the compensation amount you can claim after being in a car accident, and your car accident lawyer will help you with that. However, the compensation amount can vary depending on the type of injuries you received and if any permanent physical or mental trauma happened. 

An excellent method to gauge how much to anticipate from a settlement is to add up all of your damages, including medical expenses, missed income, and property damage, and ask for a compensation amount that is at least three times that overall expenses.  


When someone files for a car accident lawsuit, the insurance companies always try to lower the amount of compensation, and without legal help, you may even agree to that amount without realizing that you should receive more. Hire a car accident lawyer who knows how to maximize compensation and, more importantly, when you should ask for more than what you are being offered.

To strengthen your case, your lawyer will talk to your medical providers, gather all relevant reports, and might even consult with witnesses because a well-prepared case can put pressure on the at-fault party to provide you with higher compensation.  

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