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Avoid Road Dangers With These 6 Defensive Driving Skills

Avoid Road Dangers With These 6 Defensive Driving Skills

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With the introduction of new technologies such as self-driving cars, it seems like we are moving closer to a world without accidents. However, that is not the case. In fact, in 2016, there was an estimated 40 million car crashes in the United States alone! You could prevent a lot of these collisions if drivers were aware and practiced defensive driving skills.

This blog post will discuss six important defensive driving skills to help you avoid road dangers. Without further ado, let’s begin!

Scan The Road Ahead And Behind

To avoid oncoming traffic, drivers must be proactive and pay attention. A great way to do this is by scanning the road conditions ahead of you and behind your car. As highlighted by The L Team, scanning the road helps you identify any potential hazards that could cause a wreck or allow you to take evasive actions if needed. Ensure that you continue to pay attention while driving and if you see a hazard or obstruction, slow down.

The same idea applies when driving behind another vehicle. For example, if you are driving in the left lane and notice that the car ahead of you is moving slowly or braking unexpectedly, it is important to give them space by steering into your right lane. This way, you won’t be caught off guard when they suddenly slow down or stop their car altogether!

Keep Your Distance From Other Drivers

When following behind another driver, it is important to maintain a safe distance. This means you should keep at least two seconds away from the car in front of you when traveling less than 60 miles per hour and one second if traveling over this speed.

If cars are coming toward your vehicle on multiple lanes, you should ensure that your car is at least one lane away from the oncoming traffic. This will give you enough time to swerve into another lane or brake in case they do not slow down when approaching. If other drivers are driving erratically, it’s important to maintain a large distance between yourself and them.

Stay In Your Lane

Staying in your lane is key to avoiding oncoming traffic and staying away from the outer lanes. If you are driving down a two-lane road, always stay in the right lane unless passing another vehicle. This will allow drivers behind you plenty of room when trying to pass and keep them out of harm’s way!

If there is an obstruction blocking your lane, slow down and move to the outer lanes if necessary. It is also important to remain in the same lane when driving at night or during inclement weather. This will ensure that you can see what’s ahead of your car without having to switch back and forth between multiple lanes.

Properly Adjust Your Speed To The Conditions Of The Road

One of the leading causes of accidents is speeding. Whether you are driving on a busy road or in wet conditions, it’s important to adjust your speed accordingly! It would help if you never drove faster than what feels comfortable and safe under normal circumstances. For example, if it has been raining recently, roads will most likely be slippery, so slowing down may help avoid accidents.

When driving in the rain, ensure that you reduce your speed to have more control over your car and avoid hydroplaning (when a tire’s contact with water reduces down to zero). Additionally, if visibility is poor or there are poor road conditions, it may be best to find another route until these hazards are resolved!

Signal When You Change Lanes Or Turn

Signaling is an important defensive driving technique that helps other drivers around you know your next move. It’s best to signal before changing lanes or turning so others know what you’re doing and react accordingly.

For example, if you want to change lanes, make sure to use your blinker at least 100 feet before the lane change to make sure other drivers are aware of your presence.

Be Aware Of Pedestrians, Cyclists, And Animals That May Be Near Or Crossing The Street

While driving, you should always be aware of your surroundings. This means that if pedestrians are nearby or crossing the street, it’s important to slow down and pay attention! Do not drive unless you can see all around your car at once so that there aren’t any potential hazards in front, behind, or on either side of you.

If you are in an area with many animals such as deer, be aware that they might dart across the road when frightened! If this is the case, then slowly and safely steer your car away from them so you do not hit them. This will also allow cars behind you time to slow down or swerve out of the way if necessary.

Driving defensively is a great way to avoid all of the dangers that come with driving. With these six defensive driving skills, you can keep your car safe from any accidents or disasters on the road. Start practicing today and make sure you’re always aware of what’s going on around your vehicle. Remember, safety first!

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