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10 Tips for an Easy Airport Experience with Kids

10 Tips for an Easy Airport Experience with Kids

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Travelling with children through an airport does not seem like the most appealing part of your holiday. However, with some planning and preparation, you can make the airport experience much smoother and easier for your kids. Whether you’re travelling as a parent or as a foster carer, these 10 tips will help you breeze through the airport with less stress and more fun. 

Research Airport Policies and Procedures

The first step to an easy airport trip is to research the policies and layout of the airport you’ll be travelling through. Check the airport website to see what amenities and services they offer families – things like play areas, nursing rooms, and stroller rentals. Also, look into security procedures for travelling with children and rules about liquids and snacks. Knowing what to expect will prevent surprises. Foster carers should check with their agency, such as, to see if they have permission to travel abroad with their foster child.

Use Buggies and Child Carriers Strategically

Buggies and baby carriers are airport necessities when travelling with little ones. Declare these at the check in desk. Use buggies for toddlers and preschoolers to keep them contained and on the move. Baby carriers allow you to keep infants close while keeping your hands free. 

Pack Smartly

The items you pack in your carry-on bag can make or break your airport experience with kids. Snacks, games, books, electronics, and favourite stuffed animals or blankets will keep kids happy. Allow kids to pack their own special “trip bag” with new toys and activities just for the plane. Avoid packing liquids over the security limit. Use luggage trolleys so you aren’t overloaded carrying bags and kids.

Utilize Airport Kids Zones

Many airports have designated kids zones and play areas that are perfect for burning off energy before flights. Planned layovers can allow time for kids to run and play. Pack an empty water bottle to fill up at a water fountain once you are past security, so kids stay hydrated near the gate without buying expensive airport water.

Check-in Early

Arrive at the airport early to avoid rushing around. Kerbside check-in and online check-in are great timesaving options when available. Early arrival means you have time to let kids play and unwind before boarding. Go through security early – this is the most stressful part of the airport for kids.

Request Pre-boarding

Many airlines allow pre-boarding for those travelling with children under 2. Take advantage of this perk if offered to get settled on the plane before it fills up. Packing carry-ons lightly will make finding overhead space easier.

Utilise Child-Friendly Seating

Call your airline ahead of time to request child-friendly seating like bulkhead rows with bassinets or rows near the toilets. Sitting next to another child can also minimise antsy behaviour. Bring child-sized headsets and tablets loaded with movies and games. 

Stay Positive

Kids feed off your energy. Remaining calm and flexible will diffuse stressful situations. Don’t be afraid to gently bribe with favourite snacks and stickers. A sense of humour and cheerful attitude goes a long way towards a smooth trip. Travel days inevitably involve meltdowns – stay positive and roll with the punches.

With research, planning, and the right tools and attitude, travelling through the airport with children can be manageable and even fun. Follow these tips to breeze through your next family airport adventure with less headaches and hassles. The destination makes the journey worthwhile!

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