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What You Need To Know About Driving Under Influence and How To Wisely Prevent It

What You Need To Know About Driving Under Influence and How To Wisely Prevent It

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When you drive behind the wheel, you might feel like it’s a normal thing, but in reality, it can likely be the most dangerous thing you will do all day long. You might find it hard to believe but in the US car accidents are the fifth leading cause of death. The odds of death can even be higher, but it all depends on where you live and the kind of car you drive. If you find yourself in a road accident due to driving under the influence you will want to consult a DWI lawyer in Minnesota (or the area in which you live) to ensure that you recieve the best support if it is taken to court. You should also make sure you’re covered with an affordable car insurance policy.

Even though you can control your actions as a driver, you can’t control other motorists, and it’s your responsibility to control your cars, well enough. And this means you can increase your chances of having a safe trip by following a few simple precautions.

DUI vs DWI: What’s the Difference?

DUI is an acronym for “driving under the influence.” While DWI stands for “driving while intoxicated,” or sometimes called “driving while impaired.” These terms – DUI & DWI have different terms and can also have different meanings or even more they can refer to the same offence, it all depends on the state in which you’re pulled over. Irrespective of the difference — DUI & DWI — insurance gurus on DUI at say they both mean that a driver is being charged with an offence that endangered others & themselves. And this applies to alcohol and other drugs prescribed by a physician and including recreational drugs that can impair your ability to drive. One can be worse than the other and; both can have a big effect on your life or any other persons’ life.

How To Wisely Prevent DUI.

Here are a few helpful tips that can help you avoid DUI;Try focusing on the task at hand.

Don’t let radio, phones, air conditioning, kids in the backseat, or a heated argument with your spouse or even more, a friend or someone else; distract you from your job as the driver – in other words, drive safely. Pay attention to your vehicle and the road, and they’re both important. The NHTSA states; drivers under 20 are the most prone to distractions while driving, more so, 11 percent of people involved in fatal crashes were distracted.

Slow down while driving.

The 2009 U.S. Census reported that 33,808 people died due to speeding. The faster you drive, the longer it takes to stop, and the bigger the impact will be when you crash. Do drive or travel along with the flow of traffic, and don’t exceed traffic recommended limits.

Always Remember To Wear The Seat Belt.

Whether you believe it or not; the seat belt is the most important safety device in your car. A seat belt might seem insignificant, but it can save your life. The sudden movement and force on impact can fatally injure a persons’ rib cage, heart, and lungs against the dashboard or steering wheel; even worse an impact can fling drivers out of the car if they’re not strapped with a seatbelt. More so, they also help in easing movement while driving on a bumpy road. If you have a small child in the car – it’s important you use a baby seat and fasten it using a seat belt,

When in doubt You Should Yield.

If you are in doubt about who has the right way or not, park your car by the side of the road. If you know you have the right of way, but another motorist seems not to agree – let the motorist be. It’s better to be calm on the road to not cause a collision. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, men tend to argue more on who’s on the right of way.

Finally, If you’re feeling stressed, fatigued, distracted, or unwell; this might affect your judgment while driving, you shouldn’t get behind the steering wheel. Any of these feelings above can slow down your reaction and decision time – driving in a stressed or fatigued state is not a wise decision. Being stressed, overworked, or tired increases the chances of you falling asleep when you’re behind the wheels. If it’s a long drive, and you feel tired, you can pull over by the side of the road and sleep for a while.

More so, consumption of alcohol can be a serious impediment in respect to making the right choices or decisions, and it’s a very dangerous thing to drive intoxicated. If you’re going to a party where you’ll likely consume alcohol, be sure someone else who doesn’t drink; drive the car or better still, order a taxi.

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