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What Is Dental Tourism and Is It Worth It?

<strong>What Is Dental Tourism and Is It Worth It?</strong>

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Every year, a big number of people from America and Western Europe opt for medical tourism. They do this because of the skyrocketing healthcare costs back home.  

The destination countries are Thailand, India, Turkey, Mexico, Costa Rica, and others. People travel to these countries for all types of healthcare, including cancer treatment.

Cosmetic surgery is also a major reason for people traveling abroad. And now, dental tourism is also a huge reason for traveling! 

Turkey is one of the leading destinations for teeth care and procedures. Westerners have been traveling to this country for their dental care for years. 

Again, the main cause of this is the sky high cost at home. If any proprietor or facilitator of medical; tourism in India, or Turkey teeth, explains the cost discrepancies between getting your teeth done in Turkey and in a country like the USA, it will knock your socks off. In the USA, dental care costs are up to 70% higher than in Turkey. 

Save money on veneers, crowns and other dental works

As of 2021, a single crown would cost you up to $1500 in the USA. Going to Turkey for the same dental work would save you up to 90%. 

Even with the traveling and accommodation costs involved, it is 100% worth it to go for dental work in another country, like Turkey. 

The money you can save does not only apply to crowns. You can have any type of dental work you want done while you are there. 

Do you have crooked, discolored, badly spaced, or chipped teeth? If you would like to correct that, just get some veneer work done on the front teeth. 

That can cost you a fortune in the UK or USA. You will be surprised that when you go to Turkey, you can spend less than what you would have spent at home, travel and stay costs included. 

You enjoy great sightseeing

If you have never had time to travel out of the country, take a dental tourism package and go to a country like Turkey. 

This country is endowed with incredible historical sites. Turkish food is respected all over the world and their culture is very rich. 

After choosing a good hospital to have your dental work, you can travel around as a tourist. They will arrange your accommodation and sightseeing packages, if you like. 

Before your procedure is done, you will find that you have a week or two for tests, the manufacturing of your crowns, and so on. 

For instance, it can take about ten days to get crowns ready. You can use this waiting time to catch great moments in this country. 

If you need veneer work, they too will take time to be prepared. As you wait for a couple of days or longer, see the country. 

Imagine having great dental work down on your teeth, taking the opportunity to see what the country has to offer and saving money on dental care. That is absolutely amazing! 

Accredited and high quality dental care

Despite the low cost of dental treatment in Turkey, you are guaranteed of getting excellent medical care.  

The government takes medical tourism in this country seriously. Likewise, the ministry of health takes a lot of pride in their work. Therefore, every dental facility undergoes serious vetting for safety before it can be accredited to offer dental tourism services. 

It is recommended to choose a facility in Istanbul because the city is in the middle of everything. Although there are dental hospitals in other places in the country, Istanbul is a good place to start. 

When you get to Istanbul, you will be met by the hospital staff, for your hotel transfer. The staff team is multilingual, so there is no language barrier. 

Even when your dental procedure is finished and you go home, the staff members still follow up to know how you are doing. 

It is safe

A big chunk of the country’s GDP is supported by tourism. Thus, the government takes deliberate steps to ensure safety for all tourists who get there, regardless of where they come from. The crime rate is low. 

If you are worried about the safety of the dental procedure, well, there is always a low element of risk. This applies to all dental clinics, including those in London or New York. 

To enhance your safety, make sure you choose a high quality clinic. Read reviews left behind for the clinic so that you can be sure they know their business, have world-class laboratories, and have treated many people. 


The low cost of doing dental procedures in Turkey or another country is really affordable. Also, this is one of the top travel destinations in the world, so many people want to see it as they attend dental clinics.

The quality of the healthcare is excellent. However, choose a good clinic and avoid the cheap ones. 

The only downside to going to Turkey, India, or any other medical tourism destination is that once the procedure is finished, you won’t have in-person follow up. However, you will get telephone follow-ups. 

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