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Ways To Add Personality To Your Home Without Breaking The Bank

<strong>Ways To Add Personality To Your Home Without Breaking The Bank</strong>

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Our homes are our ultimate place of comfort. However, no matter how nicely decorated your place is, there will come a time where you’ll find it drab or dated. When that day comes, you’ll probably want to renovate or redecorate your living space. In fact, 66% of UK homeowners admit that they would like to change at least one part of their homes. Fully or partially renovating your home is usually the most common way to go about that; however, a renovation can be costly as well. If you’d like to add personality to your home without spending too much, here are some things that you can do instead.  

Create a Photowall

A photowall is not only a good way to fill up a blank wall, but it is also a perfect opportunity to add a nostalgic flair to your décor. This, in turn, helps your mental wellbeing too. Studies show that nostalgia is a good way to combat loneliness. As such, instead of buying ready-made artworks, you can instead dust off old photos of yourself and your family and frame them. To make your photowall more dynamic, don’t use similar frames for all your photos. Try using black, white, or frames with a metallic finish such as silver frames. Choose different frame sizes and shapes to make your photowall even more interesting.

Try Upcycling

Adding furniture to your home does not have to be pricey because with a little bit of effort and creativity, you can always upcycle to give life to old furniture. Seeing as a third of UK adults throw away good quality furniture, upcycling is not only a money-saving endeavour, but it is also good for the environment. If it is your first time upcycling, start small and do your research first. Work with safe materials and figure out how to refresh a piece of furniture before starting a new project. You can start by reupholstering a chair, or turning an old table into a lovely dresser. 

Go Green

Adding a pop of color to your home is a good way to give it personality. However, you don’t have to resort to repainting to do this. Sometimes, simply adding plants into your home goes a long way in making your place look livelier. Try using low-maintenance plants such as aloe vera and snake plants as decorative pieces. Not only will plants make your space more vibrant, but they also have important health benefits. Studies show that plants can reduce the amount of harmful indoor air pollutants. Moreover, plants can lower your stress levels and make you more productive, which could be particularly beneficial to those who are working from home.

A home that lacks personality and looks dated does not bring much comfort. As such, at times, adding a touch of personality to it is necessary. Doing so does not have to be pricey either. Simply adding old photos to your wall, upcycling old furniture, or using plants as decorative pieces can go a long way in making your home look livelier.

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