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How to Help Your Foster Pre-Teen Design the Perfect Bedroom

<strong>How to Help Your Foster Pre-Teen Design the Perfect Bedroom</strong>

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When you first discovered you were approved to foster a pre-teen child in your home, there’s no doubt you got to work putting together a bedroom that would be comfortable and welcoming for them. And while you probably did a great job, until you get to know their personality it’s very hard to make the space unique to them. Now that you’ve had your pre-teen living with you a few weeks, it’s the perfect time to re-visit the décor and make some changes.

Here’s a look at how you can help your foster pre-teen design the perfect bedroom.

Paint Is Easy to Change Yet it Offers Maximum Impact

One of the best ways to transform a bedroom is to paint it a different colour. Maybe you originally picked something soft and neutral so it would go with any décor, belongings and personality. The problem with neutral paint colours is they can seem pretty boring to a pre-teen. Here’s a chance for them to have some input and pick their perfect bedroom colour. 

Even if they want something bold, remember, it’s just paint and it can always be covered with a different colour later on. Another way to compromise on bold colours is to paint one wall the bright colour and have it act as a feature or statement wall. There’s no reason why your pre-teen foster child can’t help with the painting either.

Stuck on what colour to paint? Is your pre-teen unsure of what they want? Here are some trending colours for teens’ rooms in 2023:

  • Teal
  • Blue
  • Lavender
  • Smoky grey
  • Navy
  • Raspberry
  • Coral
  • Charcoal

Hang Personal Photos and Décor

If your pre-teen brought any personal photos or décor items with them, now is the time to include them in the design. This can help to make them feel more at home in their new room and feel like they still have a connection to their old life, family and friends. If they don’t have any personal photos, ask if there is an item, animal, type of scenery and so forth that appeals to them. You can then create a gallery wall in a particular theme.

You may want to look at whether your fostering agency offers any discounts at popular shops where you can buy decor and fun items to display. For example, you can visit to see whether there is a discount program that foster parents can make use of.

Create a Homework Nook

Chances are your pre-teen will have homework to do, at least once in a while, so you may also want to design a homework nook. By placing this area in their bedroom they will be free from distractions and have privacy so they can focus on their work. 

Change Out the Bedding – Choose Something with Personality

Finally, why not change out the bedding for something with personality? Again, your initial approach may have been soft neutral colours, but that may not work with the updated design. You can purchase new sheets, duvet covers and even throw pillows that will bring style and fun to the space.

As your pre-teen foster starts to settle in, this could be the perfect time to give their bedroom a makeover and have them feeling more at home.

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