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Here’s How You Can Save Money on Baby Gear

Here’s How You Can Save Money on Baby Gear

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Are you anticipating the arrival of your baby or approaching your due date? Regardless, you are well aware of the extensive checklist of baby essentials that need to be acquired to ensure you are fully prepared for your little one’s arrival. From diapers, wipes, and bottles to bassinets, formula, swaddles, cots, swings, a car seat, a baby monitor, and more, the list can feel quite extensive.

It’s fascinating to contemplate how someone so tiny requires such a multitude of items, and what’s even more astonishing is the expense associated with acquiring them all. However, there’s no need to fret because being well-prepared doesn’t have to result in a financial strain.

On this page, we talk about how parents can save up on money when purchasing baby gear. Taking care of a baby is expensive, but you can save money when you do the following tips. 

Shop Wisely and Think Long-Term

As first-time parents, many think that they should buy everything in bulk. However, this can be hard when you’re on a budget. In fact, it isn’t recommended since there are many baby items that you can only use for a short time. 

When you’re trying to save money on baby gear, the thing you always have to keep in mind is shopping wisely for items that your child can use for the long term. For example, Maxi-Cosi sells car seats that you can use for newborns until they reach age 4. They have a large range of options available to suit each family’s individual needs. 

Another example is a convertible cot that you may use as a toddler or twin bed, depending on which brand you purchase. Another great item you can use long-term is a convertible stroller that grows with your family and may hold one to two (or more) kids when you choose to add more blessings to your family. 

Utilise Registry Discount Wisely

Did you know that most retailers would offer a registry completion discount? This is a discount where the unpurchased items still on your registry are half or 10-75% off the price but only for a particular time window. Most discounts like this offer up to 15% discount, and you can take advantage of this to cut off on some costs and stock up on items you’ll need, like diapers, all at a reduced price. 

Be sure to take note of the specific timeframe so you can still use the discount. 

Consider Secondhand Items

Have you ever thought about exploring the option of purchasing second hand items? It’s worth noting that there is a plethora of baby gear that serves a limited purpose and is only utilised for a short period of time. As babies grow rapidly, they quickly outgrow the items you initially purchased for them.

For instance, a swing provides a convenient space for your child to relax while you attend to household tasks. However, this is only applicable during the phase when the baby has not yet mastered sitting up or rolling around. Investing in items like swings, bouncers, and bassinets can be both expensive and impractical, considering their short usage span of just a few months.

Of course, you’ll also need to know which baby items are OK to buy and which aren’t. You want to ensure that while saving money and sticking to the budget, you’re also keeping your baby’s health and wellbeing front of mind. The following are things you need to adhere to and remember when purchasing used baby gear:

  • It is advisable to refrain from buying used cots, cot mattresses, and car seats. It is preferable to purchase these items directly from a store or the manufacturer’s website to ensure that they are brand new and come with a warranty. Acquiring second hand cots and mattresses can present unexpected issues such as the presence of bugs or lack of cleanliness. Additionally, over time, mattresses tend to lose their firmness and may sag, compromising the comfort and support your infant needs while sleeping.
  • When purchasing second hand gear, items like baby carriers, strollers, placards, bouncers, play gyms, nursery furniture, swings, baby bathtubs, baby clothes, toys, and books are great items to buy used. However, when you purchase second hand, ensure it’s structurally sound and with minimal dirt. It would help if you gave everything a good scrub before letting your child use it. 

Final Thoughts

When you have a hard time-saving money and budgeting, think of the money you’ve saved as money you can use to put into your college fund. Avoid wasting money on waste, and think wisely before spending any money. When purchasing baby gear, it’s recommended that you take your time looking around. You’ll always find something affordable that’s also reliable.

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