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Easy to Use Trading Platforms That Might Interest You

Easy to Use Trading Platforms That Might Interest You

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Forex trading is now among the many things people can do and earn money. With the growth in technology and other factors, it’s now easier to trade online and earn vast sums of money. You need to choose the best trading platform if you want to succeed in your forex trading. The trading platforms are like bridges between the financial markets and the traders and provide features that make trading easier.

Whether you are trading in stocks, cryptocurrencies, commodities, or forex, you will require a reliable platform that will effectively meet your needs. This informative blog discusses some of the easiest to use trading platforms you need to check out. Here is the list.


eToro is among the best trading platforms currently, and it’s the perfect one for beginners. The platform is simple, easy to use, and will support any stakes provided by the user. The platform takes a minimum deposit of $200, and you can trade from $25 and above.

The platform supports asset classes and currently covers 2400 stocks which run on 17 different markets. You can buy shares in different countries, including Canada, UK, the US, Hong Kong, and other European exchanges. You will also access 16 cryptocurrencies and enjoy over 250 ETFs in your trading. Its advantages are that it’s friendly to use, and you can copy what others are doing to maximize your potential in the trade.

The platform is also regulated by recognized bodies, including FCA, ASIC and it’s fully registered by FINRA to carry out trading functions.

BlackBox Stocks

If you are looking for a user-friendly, easy to use and platform that offers you real-time education in your trading, BlackBox stocks is here for you.

It will be right to say that the platform distinguishes itself from others by automatically posting alerts on opportunities you can trade on. You will need to check on reviews to see if BlackBoxStocks is right for you. It uses algorithms that enable users to know the active stocks and what to trade on to enjoy more profits.

There is also a Proprietary Volatility Indicator and a charting tool that guides you on breaking out stocks and enables you to post your most significant gains. This platform’s advantage is that it continually refreshes the NASDAQ, NYSE, CBOE, and other markets to enable you to get real-time updates of the markets. The platform levels the trading ground, dominated by hedge funds, large financial firms, and other prominent market players.


Picture of the Robin Hood app

If you are among the individuals interested in US trading, the Robinhood platform is here to help you achieve the maximum gains. The platform, launched in 2013, has over 10 million clients who enjoy fast, reliable, simple, and affordable ways of trading in the stock markets.

Here, you will buy the stocks on a commission-free basis and get access to over 5000 US-listed stocks. The platform covers the NYSE and the NASDAQ stock exchanges and will offer you an additional 250 non-US listed stocks. What are the advantages of this platform?

Robinhood is among the popular platforms in use in the US. If you reside here, you don’t have to look at any other platform. There is no minimum deposit, and the platform charges no commissions. The platform is highly regulated in the US by respective bodies, and it’s suitable for individuals beginning their trading. The platform also supports cryptocurrencies, ETFs, and stock options.


If you are in the UK and looking for a low-cost trading platform with genuine zero spreads, Libertex is a perfect choice. What do zero spreads mean? The platform enables you to carry out trading with no gap between the buying and the selling price.

Libertex also offers low rates, starting from zero going upwards, and provides users with unlimited educational resources for their trading. Libertex has traded for over 20 years and provides you with enough resources to efficiently carry out your trade.

The supported markets in this platform include commodities, currencies, and stocks. You can also apply for leverage on the stocks you are trading. It is a long-time established trading platform that CySEC regulates.

Libertex is compatible with MT4 and provides users with great market choices they can do their trading. You can use this platform on your desktop, smartphone, or tablet. Deposits are at a minimum of 10 Euros after funding your account. 

You can check out other platforms for your trading needs, including the TD Ameritrade, Interactive Brokers, Plus 500, IG, and others more. You have to be very careful when choosing any platform for your trading as most of them are still new in the market. You should get a licensed platform with better reviews, educational resources, and one that will support your trading needs.

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