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Doing Your Kid’s Hair Is Easier With These 6 Tips

Doing Your Kid’s Hair Is Easier With These 6 Tips

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Are you struggling to get your child to agree to haircuts, washes, brushing and hairstyles? Is your little one just too full of beans to sit still, or else do you feel like you need better tools and techniques to make doing their hair a little easier? You are not alone. Luckily for you and the other parents and guardians out there, these six tips will make hair maintenance for your kids more manageable, efficient and even fun!

Use Distractions!

If the problem you are experiencing is that your children are just too fidgety, wary of getting their hair done or cannot sit still for more than a few seconds, consider using distractions to keep them in one place and focused on other things. Whatever works for your kid, whether it is having the TV on, listening to their favorite music, reading a book, or tackling their hair while they eat breakfast, find a distraction method that settles them down and allows you to work on their hair.

Professional Hair Shears

When cutting your children’s hair, it helps to have the right tools. A set of good-quality, professional-standard hair shears will make the job much easier, and the final result far better. If you are concerned about the health and strength of your children’s’ hair, it is recommended to use professional hair scissors, such as those at, which are specifically designed to style and protect hair from damage. Do not just use the kitchen scissors you have lying around!

You can find the perfect scissors for your needs online, whether they are left-handed, swivel-thumb scissors, hair thinning, or designed in a fun color. When you use professional hair scissors at home, you realize how much time, effort and money you can save on family trips to the salon. You can cut your children’s hair easily, safely and effectively with high-quality hair scissors.

Hair Oils

If the problem you face is related to the quality of your children’s hair, consider using products to protect, repair and moisturize their locks. If your children’s hair is prone to tangling, feels dry or brittle to the touch, or looks dull, it could benefit from a hair oil. Look at online recommendations and product reviews for the best hair oils and which kinds you should use for specific issues. This is becoming an increasingly popular method of hair care, and you can find some hair oils that are affordable, smell great, and make a noticeable difference to hair quality and appearance.

De-Tangling Brush

In recent years, the popularity and love for tangle teezers and similar de-tangling brushes have soared. Gone are the days of dragging a hard toothed comb across your scalp after showering, and feeling your strands stretch and snap under the pressure. Tangle teezers are designed to brush your hair in a gentler way, without snagging tangled hair and causing damage. Not only does this improve hair health and looks, by minimizing damage, it also reduces the discomfort of brushing wet hair. These are great tools both for you and for your kids – post bath time brushing just got a lot easier for all the family!

Let Your Child Make Style Choices

Another reason kids can be resistant to haircuts and hairstyling by parents is that they do not want to change their appearance, or they have different ideas about what looks good than their parents do. You can manage their frustrations and protests by agreeing on a style before you begin tackling their hair. Allowing your children to choose their own hairstyle is also a great way to help them express themselves, feel confident and comfortable in their own bodies, and give them a sense of autonomy and free will.

Fun Accessories

Finally, a great way to make hairstyling fun is to jazz up hairdos with glittery clips, fun colored hairbands, or shaved shapes in their hair, depending on length and style. This is another fantastic way to allow your kids to self-express and agree to get their hair done. Fun accessories can make hairstyling not just bearable, but actually enjoyable.

Good Luck!

These six basic tips should help to make managing and styling your children’s hair easier. Whether your problems lie with your kids’ unwillingness to have their hair done or with your own lack of confidence with the tools and materials you have at your disposal, there is a top tip here for you. From using distractions and making hairstyling more personal to your children, to using better equipment, like professional shears and a good-quality brush, your morning routine is about to be a lot easier.

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