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7 Tips for Managing Personal Finances

7 Tips for Managing Personal Finances

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If you’re not too well-versed in the world of finance, managing your everyday expenses may be a difficult task for you. But you don’t need to be a financial expert to understand how personal finance management works. Here is a list of the seven best tips to help you manage your expenses and achieve financial goals:

1.     Track Your Expenses

If you haven’t managed your finances properly, you can start now. The first step is to track your finances. Figure out where you are spending your money and identify where most of it goes every month. Once you know where your money is going, you can better manage your expenses.

2.     Set Up a Realistic Budget

After you get your pay each month, you need to create a realistic budget for spending the money. List out all your major expenses. Separate the needs from wants. Most people often get confused between these two. Your needs are basic necessities such as monthly bills, rent, groceries, etc. On the other hand, your wants include things like clothes, bags, home decoration items, etc., basically anything you can live without.

An excellent way to divide your monthly paycheck is to keep 50 percent of your needs and 30 percent for your wants. Of course, you should aim to reduce your wants if you plan to save up for big purchases in the long haul. The remaining 20 percent goes into your savings.

3.     Save Up

Saving is an essential part of personal finance management. You should always keep 20% of your paycheck in your savings account as a rule of thumb. Try to separate this amount as soon as you get your salary. After each month, you can also put all the remaining amount into your savings.

4.     Start an Investment Plan

Consider investing your savings into something so it can grow. You can try your luck in the stocks market or any other form of investment you deem fit.

Investing will allow you to reach your financial goals quicker. If you have house loans and student loans to pay off, pay off your house loans first. Afterwards, you can refinance your student loan to make sure the interest rate on your refinanced loan is lower than the previous one.

If you don’t know much about investing, start with a small fraction of the money you have. Once you start earning a profit, you can invest more significant amounts. However, make sure you keep a separate fund for emergencies.

5.     Pay off Your Loans

If you’re under debt, paying off the loan should be your top priority. But if you owe multiple debts, sort them out based on priority. For instance, if you have house loans and student loans to pay, pay off your house loans first. If you borrowed lightning loans from, you might first have to pay them off based on the interest rate. A higher interest rate can be challenging to pay as time passes, so it is better to pay them quickly to avoid unnecessary expenses.

6.     Pay Bills on Time

Like loans, bills can also become a burden if you have arrears to pay. Try to pay your bills as soon as you receive them. Not only will it take a heavy load off your financial situation, but it will also help in boosting your credit score. If you ever have to take a loan in the future, your on-time billing history will turn out to be in your favour.

7.     Reduce Needless Spendings

If you plan to achieve your financial goals on time, cut back on needless expenses. For instance, if you have a Netflix subscription that you barely even use, consider unsubscribing. Moreover, if you spend more money on takeout meals, try to cook your food at home. Similarly, if you pay any recurring expenses for things you don’t use, such as bank accounts, mobile services, etc., get rid of them, and you will see more savings every month.

Final Thoughts

Managing your personal finances may seem like an overwhelming task, but following the seven tips mentioned above will be a more effortless and relatively straightforward process. All you have to do is create a plan to spend your money wisely. Ensure you eliminate unnecessary recurring costs, save at least 20 percent of your paycheck, and pay your bills on time. Of course, if you’re under debt, try to pay off the loans as soon as possible.

Once you have a sufficient amount of savings, try to invest it in something with minimal risk so that your money can grow. Try out different methods and stick to the one that seems most convenient and profitable to you. 

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